Powering brands online in the alternative energy space

Climate change is one off the biggest threats to the planet. As a digital agency we help brands in the alternate energy space create the necessary shift needed to build active awareness, engagement, conversations and a sales pipeline.

A picture Video is worth a thousand words
The magic of video marketing

The future of communication seems to tilt heavily in favour of video. This trend continues to get bigger and bigger where long form copy or content is now passe' - we all suffer with extreme ADD (attention deficit disorder) - thanks to the overabundance of communication and the overwhelming pace at which stuff is thrown at us.

Video is quickly able to build a storyline that is highly visual and impactful. Video also solves the purpose of converting complex, difficult to understand topics into comprehensible content. We used the power of explainer videos for our client "Vikram Solar" where the idea was to find a way of influencing decision makers to consider switching from conventional energy to solar energy.

We created and launched a five part video series playlist called "Solar Smarts" on YouTube to educate and de-mystify solar energy. In addition we created a series of 60 second videos to influence people to take a small step and make a change. From water and plastic pollution to air pollution created video content to tell the story and impact change.

SEO drives big results

Much is written about the power of Solar SEO but very often efforts and investments made don't necessarily pay off. We actually found the SEO when done correctly can have a huge impact on not just traffic to site but on actual sales conversion.

Our approach to SEO content was built around the consumer journey from awareness to consideration to trail and finally sales- organic content using formats like articles, videos, infographics were used to populate keywords based on search intent and behavior.

We also, spent time in ensuring that we did all the SEO hygiene from on-page and off-page implementation.

Our results from "Solar SEO" have been staggering where we gone 1300% lift in traffic based on an article published on some government policies for Solar energy.

Organic Content doesn't have to be boring

In the end all good content based on the simple art of storytelling. Want a person to dive into a piece of communication - focus on the storytelling part. When it comes to organic content - whilst making sure that the content is keyword rich and works to get the best SERPs - that's only one part of the whole problem / solution. What's more important is that content must be created and formatted in the most interesting fashion that helps unfold from talking about an issue and then finding a solution.

For a solar energy client of ours we created a whole series of content to help demystify how
solar energy can make a difference for any organization investing in alternative energy source.

Different Strokes for different folks
-Micro Influencers & Messaging

The decision making unit in any organization is hugely complex - not just are there different stakeholders who have various responsibilities - each decision maker also has different needs and KPI's that any product or service must fulfill for it to move to the next level.

In the case of "B2B marketing" apart from the C-Suite (MD, CEO, CFO & CTO) who have varied requirements - there are also experts in tech or logistics or strategy that finally influence the final decision making process.

To ensure they have a positive influence we looked at the process of "micro messaging" where we created a messages targeting each micro influencer in the DMU (Decision Making Unit) and found the insights based on their role and KPIs. This was done via a series of EDMs and via LinkedIn custom audience targeting.

The impact of this was outstanding as the messages helped each stakeholders get a solution for the problem associated with their role in the organsiation.

Best practice UX via relevancy, experienceand participation

A site, is a site is a site. Wrong. A site is the window to your brand world. Making sure the view to that world is amazing is what every website ought to be.

Whilst any site would need to have multiple areas to focus on - the top 3 things we consider to be most important is relevancy, experience and participation. Relevancy is by far the most important attribute that must be looked at to make sure that all the content is relevant and based on the customer's journey. Once relevancy is taken care off the next important thing is to ensure that the customer experience is frictionless. Especially, in a mobile first world - the entire user experience must be seamless.

The last and most important area to focus on is engagement and site interaction - these two elements are directly responsible to ensure consumer engagement.

We used the same approach to rejig Vikram Solar's website www.vikramsolar.com and the results were great - increased traffic, more time spent on site and better engagement scores.
